Friday, July 20, 2012

Yup, I Definitely Want Pizza.

Went to work yesterday only to find out that the telephone pole by the driveway was being replaced and we were without power for the next hour or so. So, we wasted time talking and doing random things that didn't require power. Also, apparently out back where they built the bridge used to be a sawmill that was powered by the river. The guys started to dig out this impeller that has been buried in the muck for years, it's kind of neat.

The day went on and I ended up helping one of the guys take out the master cylinder for his clutch... pretty random. After we realized no one was actually getting much real work done we decided to go next door and pay the neighbors kids a visit. They had a lemonade and iced coffee stand. Surprisingly the iced coffee was pretty damn good!
Adam (MSSM alum) buying some "100% Natural Lemonade". Naturally.

It was fun to see the kids with the lemonade stand though, apparently some awesome old guy stopped in and gave them $20 bucks just for shits. Awesome.

Also, had a ridiculous craving for pizza today out of the blue. So, I stopped by the store on the way home and made myself some quality ass pizza. It had spinach, red pepper, summer squash and italian seasonings on it. It was stupid good.

Found this sweet craiglist ad:
Totally do not need this car but definitely want it. I e-mailed the guy to see what is wrong with it because it is pretty damn cheap. If it had a sticker I would drive it to the maine VW show and just try to sell it there for more money. I also do have a place to store it now if I really needed too..... Stop it Tony... Stop it.


  1. Yum ass pizza. Also pics of the impeller? That's pretty damn cool.

  2. Yum ass pizza. Also pics of the impeller? That's pretty damn cool.
