Friday, August 24, 2012


American politics needs more of this.  If you can laugh at yourself it makes it harder for someone else to use it as ammunition.  Didn't go on a bike ride tonight, gonna do like a 40 miler tomorrow to make up for it.  And go buy furniture or something... I should check with Allie to see if she wants to go.  Maybe go sailing.  I don' know.  I've got to clean and stuff too.

Also bitchtits commented unprovoked on my status 4 times, so I just posted on hers.  How widely is this blag read?

1 comment:

  1. That mug is awesome. This blag is not read widely. I gave the link to Allie and I that is it.

    Ian you are my hero. Hahah Between you and Kevin, no shenanigans will go un-quipped!
