Thursday, June 21, 2012

A Today Post About Yesterday

So, yesterday was statewide bust out your box fan day. Tuesday saw temperatures of a scorching 65 Degrees F, while Wednesday was around 90 for most of the day. Everyone was sweating/shitting bricks. It was nice though to have some sun. I took advantage of it and rode my motorcycle to work, nearly ran out of gas on the way home (thank god for the reserve valve). 

A coworker of mine has been turning this sweet bowl on the wood lathe at work. It's a bunch of hardwood scraps that he glued together but I think it looks sweet. 

I don't know what he's going to put in it... but it is cool. 

Made a trip into Portland after work to catch up with Chris Hamlin. He made some sweet hipster pizza which was quite badass. Another highlight of the visit was Chris' new license plate which I noticed immediately when I pulled into the driveway.

You Know You Like It.
Looks like today is going to be another warm day. I really should do some motorcycle maintenance, like tightening the chain and greasing some stuff up. Onward!

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