Sunday, June 17, 2012

This is the life

So to start things off I should run down what I'm doing this summer. Living in the Alfred, running them telescopes pointing 'em at stars and asteroids and stuff. I currently living in a dorm suite with no oven and hence eating a lot of microwave food. Also I have a double as a single so I have two beds. The spare has quickly become a shelf which I just realized is not nearly as organized as my solitary confinement had led me to believe.

Mmmm, microwavable chimichangas. Horrible to look at
but fuck you my room smells awesome.
But when I'm not sitting alone in my room watching Netflix and writing a novel about two dudes at a Taco Bell (more of a challenge to see how long you can keep up a compelling narrative in a Taco Bell than anything else) I'm at work running four telescopes at once tracking asteroids with two and showing people Saturn and M104 with the other two.
I took that shit. I literally pointed a telescope at that
and took a picture. Shit yeah.
Now if you'll excuse me its Sunday and I am almost done the third season of parks and rec.

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