Friday, October 26, 2012

Power Electrizzletronics

Was searching through some photos today for those awesome pictures I took of Cheney posing as Suzi from those hilarious facebook pictures. Eventually I found them and it was hilarious, they are easily twice as good as I remember. While I was browsing I found a couple pictures of a typical night in A103. One of which was that nerf dart with the tack in it that landed on my laptop, stuck in but didn't damage anything. Also found this fun picture of Tyler.
Ain't he cunnin'?! 
It's funny looking at old pictures and how young everyone looks... it's actually scary. AHHH. Speaking of that I am definitely feeling like life decisions are starting to kind of come down on me. My inability to make a decision on what the heck I'm doing after May is starting to interfere with my everything. Basically, I am kind of obsessed with power electronics (and motors/generators too) and I don't know what I'm going to do about that.
The reason this has been on my mind is for two reasons, one being that I need to sign up for the GRE or decide that I am legitimately not going to grad school. The other reason is that the new professor in our department who specializes in power electronics wants me to do this undergrad research thing that sounds awesome. Also jobs and stuff. Yeah. I also think that going to grad school is kind of not what I imagine it being, which is me hanging out in a lab building awesome stuff. Grad school is probably a lot of hard bitchy work and some of hanging out in a lab being a boss. Also, the power electronics lab is all new stuff and really good stuff too. I could basically become Umaine's Charles Guan which could be potentially awesome. Of course, I could also do other things and be pretty awesome too. DECISIONS. HELP.

Tomorrow I have a very packed day full of cool stuff. We're taking the t-shirt launcher down the USM in Gorham to the 4-H robotics expo, basically a touchy-feely robotics thing where there is no winner. 4-H is cool though, I was actually in it when I was a youngin' and it's a good organization. I guess the kids can basically build anything (potentially including windmills!) so that could be awesome. Looking forward to inspiring kidos by blasting them with t-shirts, should be a good time. After that I drive back to Orono for our awesome Halloween party. We're having a bunch of people over and supposedly people are getting dressed up but I haven't settled on a costume yet.... so we'll see if that happens or not. Should be a very fun filled day and I will probably require some caffeine at some point late in the day/evening to sustain me. Costume suggestions anyone?

Also, I heard there are entry level positions available at Tesla. I am going to apply, just to try.

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