Thursday, October 25, 2012

Buy Thai

Currently TAing a non calculus based Physics I lab. They are rolling hot wheels down a track and calculating the height to drop them from so it will go round the loop de loop. Very solid physics type lab thing.

Been getting really bored as most groups are done and am now dealing with the two straggler groups that always seem to take an hour longer than the majority. So I've been testing the build quality on the hot wheels cars based on country of origin. My results have shown that the malaysian cars are crap, all of them have wobbly wheels and honestly are just poorly designed. China is only minimally better. You want that hot wheels car to beat all, bitches gotta buy thai. Thailand is producing hot wheels cars with the sturdy axels and the high quality build. Go science!

Oh dear, team "makes things more complicated than they are" just rebuilt their entire track to answer a basic conceptual question, I should not look away like that. Until next time gents.

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