Thursday, September 13, 2012

I Feel Like I Should Post Something

I really don't have a whole lot to post about honestly, but the recent return of Tyler has inspired me to chime in.

Went to the gym in the morning today.... wouldn't really recommend it, I think I'll try to stick to afternoon/evening sessions. I work really well in the morning on school stuff so I will probably just try to do that and gym it in the afternoon. I rowed a 5000m today though.... which was pretty far for me.

Looks like we will be shooting t-shirts at a football game or two this year which could be pretty awesome. Maybe we'll even milk some cash out of athletics to upgrade the launcher and replace some parts that need replacing.

Been trying to learn to program this AVR microcontroller we've got for our senior project. It's actually been pretty sweet but not terribly exciting to discuss.... I could tell you that I learned how to enable global variables by setting bit 7 of the status register but no... just... no.

Working on the reprap a bit tomorrow afternoon and then the weekend.... my god it feels awesome to have saturdays back during the school year. I don't think I can express how strange it is to me to have the workload I have now.... it's just god damn awesome. I even have time to do stuff like cook awesome meals like wicked tasty tacos, boiled dinner and baked ziti (highly recommended for its extremely high deliciousness/$ rating). Don't really have any real plans for the weekend so hopefully it turns out to be badass.

Dave and I have been recently speculating on new car purchases and wondering how the hell anyone buys a new car without at least like a 6 year payment plan. Basically, the Audi A3 that we looked at the other day is in the ballpark of $30k which ...... is just ridiculous even on an engineer's salary it's pretty nuts the amount of money you have to lay down. Besides that, we looked at a bunch of trucks that were going for $50k+, who buys this shit?!


  1. Trucks you can get mad discounts. I think my dad paid like 10k less than sticker for his truck. Which granted, was fairly high end.

    Also... yes. I have a 5 year payment plan. Now that I'm getting paid I plan to accelerate that a bit.

  2. Dude, the one that gets me is the F150 Raptor, those go for $60k in some instances. It's a pickup truck, but it does the things pickup trucks shouldn't like go balls fast. It's in Forza 4.

    Then again the majority of expensive new cars in the county are owned by the mechanics at Leos. They work six days a week from 5 AM to 6 PM so they figure they might as well drive home in style. The elder Leo, a man in his seventies or eighties is known to drive over a 100 through the middle of Caribou in either the F150 Raptor or his Shelby Mustang. When the cops catch him he just keeps driving to his destination, gets out and tells them to put the ticket on the window because he's too busy to put up with their shit. The cops don't like it but aren't putting a senior citizen that everyone in town likes behind bars anytime soon.

  3. Being a member of the Leo family sounds like it's pretty damn ballin'. County ballin.
