Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I am not at my computer very often

Concert was awesome, got a picture here from the front row with Steve Morse and Dave Larue rocking the fuck out:

Pictured: rocking the fuck out
Had a lot of fun in NY as I tend to with the pizza and people and the lights and holy fuck the Pastrami. Have you had a proper NY pastrami sandwich from a jewish deli? It's like an entire cow stuffed between two crackers.

Pictured: Proper Meat:Bread Ratio
Got back to a weekend in Alfred and moved into the week with fuck tons of homework that I have no time to do around my several on campus employers. So basically life kicks ass.

Warning, I'm about to rant

That being said, I am raging a bit about the embassy attack in Libya. Not for the same "fuck Obama" reasons that seem to be circulating between my more conservative Facebook friends. I'm just pissed that innocent men got killed over this video:

Do you know how much it cost to make that racist low quality piece of shit with bad acting and bad writing and bad message combined? 5 million dollars. That fucked up piece of shit actually cost $5 million. And this from 100 Jewish donors you'd think they'd know how to get more bang for their buck. Give me $5 million dollars and you will get something of higher quality and with a much better script and that is not setting the bar high on me relative to this morally corrosive steaming pile of shit movie making. That movie is seriously the real life equivalent of this:

More fucked up than that is that people watched it and got so angry they decided to murder people who probably had no idea such a waste of time piece of crap was even produced. The images coming in are gruesome and if you want my personal opinion this whole incident shows just how fucked up fundamentalist extremism gets, not just Islamic, but all of them. I get it guys, your imaginary friends don't get along but when your supposedly peace loving creator starts whispering in your ear to kill the heretics maybe you should reconsider staying in that particular social club.

So in summary, a video written by racist zionists living comfortably in America where none of this can effect them have made probably one of the worst edited movies since The Room in order to propagate hate of another people and instead of giving said movie the cold shoulder it deserved for production quality alone, this other religious group has decided to brutally murder people from the same country as these hate mongering syphillitic cunts based on the same sort of racism that led to the creation of the video.

I'm sorry if I'm coming off as a bit angry, because I'm trying to come off as a lot angry.

Nobody had to die over this, in fact nobody should have gotten a view for that video.

In conclusion:


  1. Are there really no atheist terror cells? A quick google search doesn't turn anything up, but I can't believe there is a group of people so rational that they don't have any crazies.

    And the sad part is if atheism was to become more prevalent -- they'll probably pick up a terror cell or two along the way.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Tyler lives! Also, that is very sad and I agree that is just plain terrible and I am so out of touch with the way folks like that think that it almost seems unreal.

    Atheist terror cells... there must be some racial hatin' groups that are atheist?

  4. Oh I'm certain they exist, though you may have better luck finding that under the term anarchist terror cells. Their targets would tend to have a means of effecting some sort of social/political change and less the "I don't really appreciate the artistic depiction of this guy who died hundreds of years ago". Also your Google search history just became interesting to the NSA Mr. Boeing.
