Do this. Right now. DID YOU KNOW from Ian's facebook career:
Most liked status:
Normal People: "It's not rocket science..."
Engineers: "It's not talking to the opposite sex..."
My friend Dan Finigan has commented on roughly 1/4 of the things I've posted to the facebook.
Anthony Charles Nuzzo has shared my posts more often than any other friend.
I rarely post things on facebook between midnight and 6AM (except for Tuesdays. Trying to figure out why I have been posting late at night on Tuesdays for the past several years and drawing a blank)
My most liked photo is the "We do it for the lulz" MSSM picture.
70% of my facebook friends are male.
47% of my female fb friends are single. (As are 56% of my male friends). Although only half my friends have a relationship status listed.
The most common first name among my friends is James (with 11). In second is Alex with 8, and third Brian and Justin with 7. Most common last name is Curtis, in 2nd is Entwistle with 4 (because of all the Noah's I'm friends with I think)
I have the most Mutual Friends with Tony (187), 2nd is Tyler with 173, third is Skeating with 171, 4th is Chenley and Marfl with 157, and 5th is Mike McC and Sammy J.
It also shows your interconnected your friends are... weird to see people who you didn't know knew each other!
Also tonight I made tacos and drank beer. And it was delicious. I even made my own quacamole, and it was surprisingly easy and delicious.
And, apparently I spelled guacamole with a 'q'. Deal.