Not to be a slacker, but been pretty low key here. Working a lot, some very interesting stuff going on that I'm getting to take part in. Wednesday night went to Red Robin with friends and found out that yes, you can get rum in your milkshake, and tonight went to Buffalo Wild Wings with some other friends. Having skipped my bike ride the last two days to eat junk I now feel fat. Last night I went to bed at 8PM and didn't set an alarm thinking I'd wake up early... and then I woke up at 7. Whoops.
Maybe this weekend I'll finally go buy furniture? Also my sister is now officially a college freshman -- feels old man. And I've got a delightfully ironic facebook post for Monday where I post a picture of my car with the caption "Schoolbus! What? You mean I'm going to work like every other day for the next 40 years?"
ReplyDeleteI also just ate a pint of Ben & Jerrys, bringing my food consumption today to: 1 Eggamuffin, 1 Barqs Rootbeer, a handful of Goldfish (the baked kind), 1 2 buffalo wings, 22 oz of Men's Room (WHY WOULD YOU NAME A BEER THAT?!), 1 roast beef sandwich, 1 pint of ice cream. I regret nothing (except the holy shit I just ate a pint of ice cream fullness).
ReplyDeleteIt's cool Ian, you bought athletic shorts therefore you ARE an athlete. Athletes need shit loads of calories and stuff.... right?
ReplyDeleteI feel like an athlete today moving all my junk. Oh right, back to that.