Monday, August 13, 2012

Motor Controllers and Humidity

So, we have definitely discussed modifying powerwheels before and I think at one point we threw those thoughts into google and found this. Well, here are the folks that won that. It's pretty awesome because they technically water cooled their motors but all they really did was install a button you push when you smell smoke and it squirts water onto the motor.... god that is terrifying and awesome. You should checkout their build though, it is funny to think that $300 of their $500 budget went to batteries. Here is a hilarious video from the races.

Anyways, today was humid and went very quickly. What we thought was a catastrophic failure that would lead to a lot of back tracking and maybe some redesign turned out to be a pinched wire. I can honestly say I have never been more happy to find some singed wires in my life. Crisis averted. I got home late tonight and made a grilled squash sandwich.... I know guys I sounds like a vegetarian. Do not worry. I got this weird looking squash from a coworker and it is called a Pattypan Squash. Basically, I cut the middle part out of it and grilled it like a burger, threw some mustard on that shit... not bad, not bad at all.

New (correct vintage) battery tray will be here Wednesday. Nice. Realizing it is my last full week of work and I actually think I will miss it a little. The windymills, they get me every time.



    Trying to convince my cousin to do this to his daughter's Barbie Jeep...

  2. Also that squash looks more like a pokemon than a food.
