Wednesday, August 29, 2012


I heard back from the glider club the other day, sounds like it'll be a month or two before I get to go gliding again as they need more instructors to match how many students they have.  Ah well.

In other news, working 40 hours a week really starts to wear on you after a while.  I'm hoping to break the cycle and finally get in early for once, because honestly when I get home at 6 I'm basically drained and the day is done.  I have to hit up Walmart for a new tube for my bike (or a patch kit).  Been talking with some people at work about cameras more, going to a local store to check out some used ones tomorrow maybe... Depends when I get out of work.  I need to make more checklists at home, because it feels awesome when I check things off my todo list at work.  Also really need to buy furniture. I think I would sleep better on a real bed which might make it easier to get up for work.

And start building cool stuff.  I was reading about glider pilots last night, cool stuff.

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