Thursday, August 15, 2013

My Room is Clean

Quick Side Note: Tony brought up letting Sam blag on here, wouldn't hurt my feelings to have guest blags. How do you feel about it James? I know you're reading this shit you creepy fuck. In fact I'm going to go ahead and casually ask for a creepy fuck check-in down in the comments. We love you all. I think.

Let that title sink in. Then realize that this has been my rooms perpetual state for a month.

A whole month. Clothes don't get left on the floor. The bed is made upon waking up. I wipe my desk off, regularly.

Pictured: An anomaly.

Usually, this is not the case for the Tyler. Usually my room/living space looks like an IED had just gone off and took out a couple small rodents with it. This is usually because I am just too busy to maintain it. But this excuse has flown out the window of late.

So after a week of sort of being disorientated by the whole job thing I'm getting back on the hunt. I'm searching in the Aroostook county area because realistically I'm too damned broke to attempt moving anywhere without a hefty parental loan. I'd prefer to head somewhere with enough to begin an apartment hunt of some kind. There are actually several jobs locally that don't royally suck. Some even come with benefits. I'm putting in applications tomorrow. The nice thing is I have zero expenditures at home. I'll put all that money away and when there is enough to get the fuck out, I will promptly get the fuck out.

Also I just started on a diet type thing because apparently sitting at home doing nothing is bad for your health. I've put on 15 pounds this summer which is Grade A bullshit. I've also put together a strict list of daily to do's like wake up at 7, don't skip breakfast, move some part of your body more than the distance from your room to the fridge. You know, basic level human stuff that most people don't have to put on a checklist. I also put stuff on their like "read something about physics" to keep myself from getting stale on the stuff and "write a blog post" which is not necessarily here. I need to get back on the writing amusing shit train. Otherwise, what the hell am I doing?

The overall point is that I'm finally sort of tackling this massive case of apathy that has sort of ruled over my summer so far. I was more active today than I've been in weeks and I wrote a schedule for tomorrow and the next day. The other important point I've made is to tell people I'm doing all this so they can call me out on it when I fuck up. It's been sort of easy to do nothing when no one whatsoever is there to judge said lack of stuff-doing. Feel free to hard-ass in my direction at any time.

I've got about eight job apps to run through before bed and then a samurai sword based workout to try out in the morning. Also, I made a Vine.

We should do the Hangout thing sometime soon. I'll try to be showered...

Showering? Oh shit, add that to the list.


  1. I wouldn't mind Sam having a guest blag. He is a good guy.
    Also, Tyler, nice job on the clean room. I like being in clean rooms with Tyler. It is nice. Good luck on getting a job. Having money is more fun than finding money (or so I have been told).

  2. I spent 3 seconds wondering who Jaaski was and then looked at the profile picture. Ahaha!

  3. It is an old account I have, and I tried to post with my real name, but the internet was not playing along with that plan.
