In my heart of hearts, I believe, no wait. Believe is to weak a word. I know that the finest pizza is made with the freshest ingredients, lovingly slaved over by those who work daily to perfect and hone their craft. Pizza, as with any type of cooking, is a weird conglomeration of science and art that blend before the hands of the chef to craft delicious and beautiful creations designed to tantalize ones taste buds. The perfect pizza does not come out of a lab, it is created with love.
That being said, I have a guilty pleasure that it pains me to admit to. A weakness if you will. Because all though in both my heart and my mind I know it's shit, I have a weakness for Digiorno.
Pictured: Heresy. |
I swear the cheese, sauce and crust are filled with crack cocaine and super meth. I could eat seven and I'll hate myself every damn second of it. So today I found myself at the store and saw one and felt the internal dilemna break out. Now there is an issue, I don't have an oven in this suite. I only have a toaster oven and a George Foreman.
Pictured: Broke Ass Kitchen
Note: All of our appliances are on the floor
because there are no counters.
Also Pictured: The reason I have dreams
of strangling res life. |
But then a brilliant little scheme was hatched. It was simple math really...
Pictured: Maths. |
So cut the pizza in half and threw each half in and let the science commence.
Pictured: Science. |
And now it's all done and I'm pretty happy with the results, I bet you can't even tell which half came out of which cheap ass kitchen appliance.
Pictured: Sarcasm |
So toaster oven makes good frozen pizza. George Foreman makes terrible Italian Saucy Bread. This is why we do science Gentlemen. Results.
Pictures: Results. |
Good Day Gents.
Edit: When I posted the article I saw you both have drafts in the works and I anxiously await to hear of your near misses and sandy parts.
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