Saturday, July 7, 2012


Today, Allie and I hooked up with former MSSM res life staff member Stefan D-W at the Center for Wooden Boats to go for a lovely afternoon sail.  D-dubs is still on the job hunt, but things seem promising and it sounds like he has been taking all kinds of ladies out on the water.  He was actually just getting done with one when we showed up.

Also, this great picture I took.  Very D-dubs.
Anyways, sailing was crazy great.  It really is an absolutely one-of-a-kind place.  Being out on the water in an old wooden boat is awesome by itself.  Add to that the Kenmore float planes constantly taking off and landing on the lake, the great scenic views of the Space Needle, Downtown, and the houseboats, as well as a huge variety of interesting boat traffic it is just really phenomenal.  Multiple times we got a direct fly-over from the Kenmore float planes.  I have already signed up to volunteer and am going to get orientated next weekend (as well as pick up my Victrola from DW), sooo gonna be awesome.  Also it was my first time skippering a boat in probably at least 5 years.  Did pretty well, hope to check out to go solo next weekend.  No doubt DW will have awesome Flickr pictures up sometime reasonably soon.

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