Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Picture Stream: (I'm a lazy son of a bitch that doesn't post enough)

I read the Wheel of Time starting in 5th grade.  This is the last book, I read it over the course of 16 hours on Saturday/Sunday morning.  It was glorious.

"No Accumulation" the Weatherman said...

Rowboat Dorks.



Ddubs, AlPal, Tonton, Me

A dog and a big stick from our bromantic beach walk.

PS1 games and beer... a combination 15 years in the making

Robot Picture

CNC'd penguin

CNC'd Pokeball

Nasty ass weld holding our rowboat together...

At the beginning of build we had the kids build towers out of forks and q-tips.

High School kids can eat a lot of Pizza.

1 comment:

  1. Lower A Trading Company would be proud of that last pic.
