Bought tickets a couple months ago to go to this year's Frozen Fenway game and it did NOT disappoint. The first hockey game at Fenway I went to a couple years ago, we brought the T-shirt launcher and got a shirt into the upper deck. This year there was absolutely pouring rain. After playing for a few minutes (and Umaine scoring 2-3 unanswered goals), there was thunder and lightening and the skies literally just opened up. After the squall passed we watched 8 guys with shovels skate around the rink in perfect formation and push water off the end of the ice. The camera guys even got in some action shots of the water rushing out of the rink. I was honestly just impressed with the effort put in by the crew to keep playing. They easily could have called it, but I'm really glad they didn't.
The BU crowd began to thin out but the Maine fans stayed strong and got rowdy. The game ended 7-3 with a very pleased group of Mainers.
Seriously, check out that water! |
After and during the game I caught up with the one and only Mikey B, who of course was "working" at the game.... Who is this guy?! He had a field pass and was just walking around rink side like a boss. Kid is king of Boston sports.
After the show we walked around a bit and got tickets to the Comedy Cellar, which was a great decision. Three hours of comedy from comedians who have specials on Comedy Central (Tyler has the line-up). We sat right up front and naturally got made fun of for being from Maine. I also learned that making windmills isn't sexy.... news to me.
The show let out at 1AM and we were way out in Manhatten somewhere, needing to get to the Bronx to catch up with Renee and Toby. We were all dead tired and didn't make it to the Bronx until 3AM. Of course Toby came in hot and answered our call to let us in (he knew we were coming... just didn't expect it to be that late). Unfortunately, Toby and Renee had class the next day so I didn't see them at all really.
We dragged ass a bit the next day making our way to the train station to get out of NYC. Grabbed Tyler's brother's whip in Connecticut and cruised in the Caddy back to Maine. Overall a successful trip, could have had less rain but got in some quality activities. Also Megabus is awesome, if you buy tickets far enough in advance it's $1. Money.... how does it work?
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