Blatant picture dump. So.... long time no post but I had this crazy weekend where I took a wind turbine to MIT energy night (which was sweet), drove back that night. Next day went to Pika's annual Cider weekend, took Rita Cooper with me... it was pretty sweet. Then finally the day after that I went to a VW swap meet in NH. Now that I am an adult... why not do ALL the fun things, right?
Sweet VWs and I scored some good parts for cheap! |
Look at how jovial this guy is, yes that is a human powered cider press!
Rita and I kicked some serious cider ass this year. I just got in the zone and pedaled my arse off and also pushed apples into the cutter machine which is the messiest and most satisfying job. Made it home with a bunch of cider and some of last years hard cider. Nice.
On the trailer! |
So, I found this one on craigslist for what seemed like a good deal. I got there and found out it actually was a good deal. The dude held it for me until I could come back with a trailer which was sweet. Also, it's very hard to find a trailer this time of year... seriously several Uhauls were out of car trailers two weekends in a row. This bus loaded much easier than the last one I put on a trailer. We hooked it onto my dad's truck and he towed it down the guys driveway (which was wicked nasty). Loaded it on the trailer when we got up on the pavement. I got to drive it while it was being towed, which makes it officially my longest ride in a VW bus thus far.
Checkout that plaid!... Just don't look at the curtains. Please. |
This one is a Westfalia which means it has a wicked sweet pop-top. The tent is missing but I will replace it once the thing is running again. I was surprised at how much room there is in the top though. I am 6 ft and I could probably sleep up there. Also allows you more head room in the back if no one is up there.
At her old home |
Needs a new battery and a list of other things but the important thing about this bus is that there is less than 10k miles on the rebuilt engine. The rebuild was even done by the guy who is doing my engine (or... actually what is he doing with my engine). Also the bus was stickered last year, so it is much closer to being road able than my other rig. I jumped it with the Subaru and got it to turn over, all the lights work and there is fuel to the carbs so .... it's on the right track. I mean it's so much further along than my other one that in my mind, it's already running! First things on the list are to fix the drivers window (which doesn't go up or down), get a new battery, recondition the wheels, fresh tires, brake job and obviously get the thing to you know... do the whole start and run thing. After all that I'll re-pad the front seats, get a new westfalia tent and clean up the top part, maybe replace the gasket up there too.
Hooray projects!
So you and I are taking that thing and a sack full of snack to Seattle sometime right? Hell, a roadtrip that good, Ian might have to fly to Maine just so he can ride back.