Had a pretty productive weekend last weekend. Fixed this guitar amp that we broke during a kitchen dance.... yes, this thing has been in my parents garage taking up space, not working for the past 6 or so years. Anyways, I returned that to my main(e) man Cheney. Also got my motorcycle running to a good enough point that I'm basically like fuck it I'mma drive it till it falls apart. I also ordered a bunch of parts for my bus so they're on the way to the machine shop. I should be making a trip there in the next couple weeks to do more engine assembly.
ALSO, Sam Put-put-putney was home last weekend. So, I rolled out the red carpet for a limited edition Sunday morning tour at Pika.
Sam's Red Taco |
It was awesome hanging out with Sam, he's a stellar guy. I actually proposed to him that we make him a member of the blag so he can post what he's up to which is pretty damn interesting usually. He was the ideal tour candidate and we got to geek out over all our awesome stuff at Pika and then we grabbed a quick bite before he hit the road headed back to NY.
I second the (electric vehicle) motion.