I seem to be keeping myself busy on a whole lot of shit that isn't school work. Tonight I am locking myself in the observatory class room to force myself to be productive and after being here all day, I still haven't done much. I need a massive dose of "give-a-shit". I joke about senioritis but this semester I might need to get it looked at professionally. I just didn't go to class on Thursday because my PJs were comfy and outside was cold. I made a new bow from scratch instead. It's nice. Once it has a string I'll post pictures.
So last time I posted I said I had something big for next time. That is because I got a press pass to see Startalk Live with Neil Degrasse Tyson. The press pass means backstage access before and after the show. This is some pretty thrilling shit. So I went to NYC two weeks ago on a Thursday. Elliot, his mom and I had dinner with their social media guy before the show talking about what was wanted. I would take video, Elliot would shoot photography. They wanted us to video Neil going to the bar and making the drink of the night. Every night they do this they make a drink themed on the nights topic and they film the process between Neil and Bartender.
We got to the Bell House and went backstage to get our bracelets. When Neil arrived he gave Elliot's mom a huge hug and said "Stacey! My favorite photographer!" He then looked at me, realized he had no idea who I was and kept walking. Good enough for me! Then Jeff, the social media guy told us that something was weird. Elliot and I set up to video the drink creation when suddenly this other hipstery type guy shows up and starts setting up. Then Jeff tells us we have to put away our cameras. Apparently the venue booked their own guy to video and told StarTalk they couldn't use their own folk. Whacky. So I had to put my video camera away. We still got front row seats for the show and still had our backstage bracelets. Elliot told me to wait until after the show, we'll meet Neil. Elliot has done this two times prior and said that usually they get to hang out with all the StarTalk folk for a good hour or two after the show.
After the show we went backstage and picked up our coats from the couch. I was getting pumped to finally meet everyone (Michael Showalter and Questlove were the celebrity comic-types that night). Suddenly a bunch of dudes in really nice suits showed up and Jeff came over and told us that all StarTalk staff had to leave. Turns out they were some important donor types who naturally don't enjoy the company of common folk. So we left. Oh well, still a really amazing time, I can't even begin to complain. Plus Jeff is cool shit. He used to design RPG's at Marvel, writes his own cyberpunk novels, he is just plain cool shit.
The next day Nemo was baring down on Connecticut. We woke up an hour before the storm was predicted to start, but low and behold Nemo arrived early. No matter, not the first time I've had to race God (Irene was a bitch). We outran that bastard before he shut Connecticut down for a week. On the way back, at the request of my roommate Josh, we got off the highway and Jeeped our asses into the middle of the Catskills looking for a man we call The Eel Guy. He is called this because he makes a living smoking Eel and selling out of his cabin in the middle of the god damned woods. Cool dude, gave us a discount on the Salmon we bought if we promised to pray for the troops.
Then I got back to Alfred and my roommates and I suddenly realized that our broke asses could actually afford liquor for once. I don't remember much after that, though there are apparently some shirtless snow angels with my name on 'em.
Then this weekend my friend Ken who left Alfred last year and is an officer in the Army came to town with the intention of wedding his Russian girlfriend. So I got to go to a wedding and it was a nice ceremony (there were only like ten of us there).
And that is what I have been doing instead of my work. Now if you'll excuse me, these continuous charge distributions aren't going to solve themselves (that would be neat though).
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