Been working on some senior project stuff this week but progress is slow gents. Two steps forward and one step back if you know what I mean... and in some cases just two steps back.
Anyways, last night we got all festive at our place and carved pumpkins. We retrieved a butt load of pumpkin seeds that we are going to bake today too. Also one of the women folk made pumpkin pie and I've been drinking apple cider so I'm feeling pretty into the whole Fall thing right now. Anyways, without further ado.....
Pumpkins! |
So..... which one is mine? No.... no it's not a peace sign guys, its supposed to be a windmill. Also making an appearance is the Subaru logo, a freaky looking cat and one that is eating a gourd (second from the right). Carving pumpkins was actually pretty damn fun and made the kitchen smell like pumpkin which was cool. It was a fun night for sure with just a small group of people at the house. Apparently we'll be having a halloween bash on the 27th and we're going all out on this shit. Bobbing for apples, doughnuts on a string, candy, etc. It's going to be a pretty ridiculous scene really.
Today I've got to study up for my electric drives test and chip away at a few more things. Heavily considering buying the PCBs up for sale on etotheipi guy's website...... $10 for the lot.... I should just bite.
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