Classes went well this week, definitely have some cool classes that should help me with my senior project and keep me pretty interested. I only have one lab and it won't be nearly as intense as the lab classes I had last year so that frees up a lot of time right there. Dave and I did diddley squat on senior project all summer so we kicked it into high gear this week and tried to get stuff rolling. We even put in an order to hobbyking where we bought this motor and this impulse buy. We've got to get our AVR programmed, get some other components in and build a test stand.
Friday night went out to the bars with everyone, where Sam proceeded to basically fuck with everyone's..... everything. I won't get into details but he definitely pissed off bitchtits.
Dave and I went to winterport dragway on saturday and met up with my dad and uncle Karl. It was pretty cool and they had some bikes there too which were sweet and terrifying.
Finally scratched my Dysarts itch last night with Chris and Josh scripture, damn that place is good. Informational meeting for robotics this week, we even got a handful of girls on the sign up sheet. Speaking of girls, I am currently watching Mean Girls with Chris. He introduced me to the show The League which is about a group of dudes who play fantasy football but it is hilarious and you don't have to know anything about fantasy football to like it.
Eeep! If you are intending to fly planes with it you want a Mode 2 transmitter. Mode 1 transmitters are what the Europeans fly.
Also, Sam's assbrand came up repeatedly on our hike in Oregon. And the League has been recommended to me from someone else... maybe I should watch it.
Oh, that is kind of lame. Impulse buy was a little too impulsive I guess. Not sure if I intend to fly planes with it, mostly just wanted an RC system to put on something if I needed it.