Saturday, June 30, 2012
Friday, June 29, 2012
Friday in Seattle
I met up with a bunch of people, and we went to a Nepalese restaurant. It was pretty good. Afterwards we went to a gelato place, and everyone looked at us pretty weird when we talked in. Turns out we definitely still smelled quite strongly of Nepal, as my apartment currently smells like Nepal 3 hours later.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
No Way Its A Mirror
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By my calculations, this is a god damned novel. |
Making Up For Lost Time
I woke up fairly early 6AM (?) and had an iced coffee and had french toast. Please see the look on Kiwi's face and judge for yourself how good that french toast was. Got to the airport around 9:30, did the goodbyes and got on the airplane. Since it is a fairly ""small"" plane by most people's standards (10 seater with the pilot), this guy got to sit in the copilot's seat. There isn't really a good picture to show this, but trust me -- it happened.
It was a decidedly picturesque takeoff. They didn't want us to have our cellular devices out, but it we took most of RKD's runway 13. Conveniently, this takes off directly over my house. So I got a picture perfect flyover of my house at 500 feet (low for you non-airplane people) and then were where in a cloud bank and Maine was gone...
Taxiing around at Boston was pretty neat, got to see lots of 737NGs and A320s. Getting off the plane, I had a short chat with our pilot. Apparently he was soon jumping ship for Cathay Pacific to fly the 777, which seats 30 times more people! Talk about a step up.
I had a 3 hour layover in Boston. I stopped at one of the vendors to get a sandwich, but some chick in front of me mistook my order for hers and walked off with my sandwich. Turned out quite well though, as the vendor gave me her sandwich AND remade mine! #winning I sat down in the terminal and shortly thereafter a guy sat down, noticed my backpack with it's RPI logo and asked me if I went there. Turned out he was a Goodrich HR VP and an RPI alumni. Asked me if I had a job, we chatted about Boeing and then he gave me his card and told me to give him a call if I wanted a change in pace in a few years.
My flight to Charlotte was fairly uneventful. I read a couple of airport books en route. One was about startups and business, it was a bunch of case studies of the most successful American businesses in the last 10 years and not that great. I also read an adventure book by Clive Cussler... and it was pretty lame. It kept my interest while reading it, but basically every plot line came straight out of an Indian Jones movie... and honestly I would've enjoyed watching Indy more.
I had another layover in Charlotte and switched planes for Seattle. A typical flight, below is a picture of Ranier descending into Seattle. Unfortunately United had sent my luggage to San Francisco (wrong left coast S!)
I booked a hotel room at the La Quinta for the night, ready to get up the next day and head up to Mill Creek. I went to Denny's that nice... it was a poor choice. It did actually taste pretty good though. My waiter was a huge African-American guy who said "copacetic" more than Davy Dougan and "BAM!" more than Emeril.
The next morning I went to pick up my rental car... but I could not find my license. &#%$! After tearing my luggage apart and calling every lost and found I had made my way through (apparently airports think it is a good idea to have like 5 lost and found's apiece), no luck. I was pretty sure I must have somehow left it in Boston when I had to switch terminals and go through security again. Ah well. I took a cab ($100...) up to Mill Creek and my decidedly empty apartment. While contemplating how the heck I was going to make due until my car showed up, it turned out that it was actually in my backpack. It had worked its way into the bottom of my pack between layers in the fabric through a small tear. My friend Ryan offered to give me a ride back to SeaTac where I finally picked up my rental car. The rental people even remembered me!
You Know... THE Coke and Mentos Guys!
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This makes it seem like I was really really far away.... It wasn't that bad. |
I have not been accomplishing nearly as much as I thought I might this week but I've been having a damn good time.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Surprise Shindig
So that was pretty sweet. Also, I got a call today from Black Diamond (place I used to work) and I was supposed to put together this camera tester rig for them like...... a long time ago. Anyways, I have it partially done but I gotta get it together and show it to them relatively soon. I'm gonna get paid for it but motivation has been pretty low to do it... hence why it isn't done.
Also! Found out that Eepybird (the coke and mentos guys) are performing tomorrow in Portland at this arts festival thing.... fo' free. So, I'm probably gonna go to that which will be awesome.
Oh and I got to use my Mainer skills today to backup a trailer because our finance guy (from Boston College) couldn't do it himself. Felt like a boss.
Bumper Burrito
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Dark blue means no sleep for me. |
Monday, June 25, 2012
Tomorrow night I'll probably be up all night to take pretty pictures for the observatory website. Lots of pretty pictures.
Bus .... A Little
I have a pretty sweet grinder but the only plugs in the outside of the garage look like this....
Sunday, June 24, 2012
IAN does Seattle
Today me and DW went on a grand tour of the Seattle area. Seattle is most definitely a happening place. Started in Ballard and visited basically every neighborhood. We hit up the Museum of Flight and I droned on about airplanes for quite some time. We also visited the Center for Wooden Boats which really appealed to me but I will write more on that when I don't have to write it on my phone. Below is a B29 in plastic wrap (why? Who knows?), the Center for Wooden boats, and Kenmore aviation, one of the largest if not the largest seaplane base. Also on the tour was a salmon ladder... very cool to see them swimming against the current.
God Damn It Ian
Today was June 24, 2012. I woke up and stubbed my toe several times. Now I'm thinking about going to bed.Also I had this gem of a conversation with Ton Ton Nuzzles. And it is about you Ian. As your friend, we're concerned:

Ian, you're on notice!
What The Fuck Did I Just Drink
Anywho, as you know I am an energy drink fiend and when I found Monster in a glass bottle covered in German and golden dragons, I feel you understand the necessity of the purchase. For something claiming to be bio-activated malt flavored Ubermonster, it really tasted exactly like green Monster. Still the bottle looks cool on my shelf.
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Die ubermonster ist meh. |
Also it's summer time so today I decided to act like it. I did this two ways.
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I present Way 1 and Way 2. |
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Day Off
Since East Coast time is ahead of West Coast time I got up stupid early this morning. So I went to the Grocery store. They put coffee shops in all the grocery stores here, which while laughably stereotypical is awesome. Also Safeway has rotating shelves at the cashiers stand instead of the linear belts we have on the East Coast. Not sure why. I also feel kind of silly ordering coffee here. Whenever I ask for a medium latte I get this look like "okay... with what?", and since I don't know what the other options are I just stick with the plain and they look at me like I'm from another planet. Meanwhile everyone else rattles off an order so long I'm always surprised that it is for a single cup of coffee.
I wandered around mill creek's town center, bought a book, drank more coffee, and assembled a dresser. Also ordered internet, and that should be ready to go in 3-5 business days. UPS is going to drop off a router.
All of my furniture... (except a camping chair)
Gosh that bus is heavy
Came back to litchfield for a prime shindig with mr. Cheney Larock and friends. After a drunken night of throwing stuff at eachother in the pool... My dad and I finally got the bus down to Hollis. We tried last weekend but discovered someone had done some creative wiring on the plug for the trailer lights. Anyways, the bus loaded with relative ease and the parking brake even worked!
It's new temporary home is in hollis in front of james' garage. Lots of stuff to do on it and i plan on breaking in my new grinder. Also spke with my machinist guy on the phone and he says the case will be ready in rouhly two weeks. Then i can really spend some money.
P.S. This was written on my phone so forgive any grammar and spelling mistakes.
Friday, June 22, 2012
I know the world wants to know about my adventure to get here... but I need webernets first.
Anyways, today I went to work. I'll probably do that for like 40 years. Driving to work was pretty good... coming home traffic was so clogged I would not have had a problem in a Model A.
Also I built this IKEA chair. I'm actually sitting in it right now. It is mad comfy. So impressed with how idiot proof and well thought out the packaging was I'm including a few pictures of that too.
Holy Shit I Bought Forza 4
Also today I learned that the head of Alfred's board of trustee's is the CEO of Marvel Comics/Films. I know because my job tonight was showing his niece around the observatory. Lucky for them there was a -8 Iridium Flare. Really really bright. Also I can confirm that Saturn remains as sexy as ever.
What else happened today? I don't know, I ate some tacos. Yeah...
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Thursdays are Open House Nights
So Thursday nights are when I run observatory open houses. Basically we get to show the public Saturn and enjoy the classic "postage stamp" reactions. Also got to point at Mars, Ring Nebula and M5 globular cluster. Great friggin' night with probably 30 people filtering through. Very clear too.
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Whats that? You want some blurry cell phone Saturn? Well I guess I can oblige... |
Holy Fuck.
So there you go, made your day better. Make yourself some Nutella hot chocolate and enjoy it with some fine Ikea furniture, fuck yeah.
Also, 99% sure I'm buying Forza 4 tomorrow. That is all.
If There Is A Heaven It Might be IKEA
Today Allie and I went to IKEA. And it was awesome. Seriously... wow. What a great idea. Relatively quality furniture that's cheap and easy to move. Unfortunately its hard to fit stuff in a Fiesta... so for furniture right now I still have an air mattress, one camping chair, one real IKEA chair, and a dresser. Can't wait to get a real bed, a couch, and internet for my laptop! Also a 360 for Forza.
Here's a bug stacked with IKEA furniture!
Keep It Real With James
I also learned that my boss is thinking about installing a zip line at work..... I am very excited about this.
A Today Post About Yesterday
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I don't know what he's going to put in it... but it is cool. |
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You Know You Like It. |
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
New Apartment!
Note: I am going to leave "This is just a placeholder until I have an internet connection for my laptop to write it out on as writing on my phone sucks. Trust me, the story is worth the wait.
However new apartment! Whooooo! Highlights include an ice maker (first class living if I do say so myself), a garage barely big enough to shove a compact car into (like I'd actually park in it though), washer/dryer/dishwasher (I hate washing dishes), and a mirror for a wall (honestly pretty disconcerting. See pics below.
Today is Wednesday
I just recently tripped over a dust bin in my room and bashed my face off the bed on the way down. My soul regret is that no one was there to see it, it was fucking hilarious.
Other than that, absolutely nothing happened today and I eagerly await Ian's nonplaceholder post.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
This is just a placeholder.
This has been a day for the history books. When I get my laptop tomorrow I will do it proper justice.
Not Wednesday Either
So today was uneventful for the most part. I run into the most interesting dryer fuck up yet in my dorm living career. My shirt was apparently caught on the hinge to the door and got all twisted up like a Fritos Twist and opened the dryer. Pics and it happened.
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Helen Hunt, nowhere to be found. |
In pressurized tin can somewhere over 'murica. Ran out of books, phone battery dangerously low, surrounded by pack of crying babies.
-The Ian CurtisI don't know how much you guys watch Louis CK, but I instantly thought of this bit. Cracks me up every time. Now I know for a fact that the Curtis has massive respect for human flight. He would not be flying to a place to build flying machines if he did not. So from New York State I would just like to say Maine misses you... I assume.
As far as books are concerned I'm mostly reading about the US National Debt (Not as boring as you... yeah it is. Who the fuck am I kidding?) I'm doing my honors thesis on the Astrophysics of the National Debt. I remember we did it out on the whiteboard at MSSM, the gravitational pull of the debt if it were pennies and moon distance away. Well I'm expanding that a royal fuckload. Rate of growth, damage in cataclysmic impact situations, tidal forces, surface area (repaving the US Highway system, it can be done!) all that stuff. Should be a load of fun. Will keep you posted.
Reading and Listening to Badass Music
Currently I am reading The Lean Startup By Eric Ries. It is essentially about running a startup company that operates on a feedback loop where you push a minimum viable product out to market, get customer response, learn from it and change your product(s) accordingly. So far it has been kind of simple but we'll see how it shakes out.
The Toaster project was pretty cool but I'm not certain that his efforts were deserving of a Ted Talk. The book is short and includes some fun pictures, it could be read in an afternoon. I have some gripes with the way his project is carried out, but it was done for a college art project so it did basically dominate all of the requirements for that.
Breakfast of Champions missed the mark for me. Maybe I am too disconnected from fiction and literature but I didn't really pickup on everything that was going on. I have read Player Piano before and I really enjoyed that but this Vonnegut book was definitely much different.
I scored a few awesome books from our good friend Ian, who was going to donate them to the library instead of taking them to Seattle. Instead, they found their way to my shelf. The books are iWoz and Bill Bryson's a Short History of Nearly Everything. Looking forward to checking them out.
What about you chaps?
Monday, June 18, 2012
I bowled three strikes in a row and I have no idea how that happened...
Rummaging through the pictures I've taken recently on my phone, I came across this awesome picture of a rope bridge the folks at my work built. This is out behind Pika Energy (shameless plug... pronounced "Pike-Uh")...
Not going to lie, this bridge is straight up Indian Jones style. It is mind-blowingly awesome and makes you think you are in an action movie from the instant you see it. Ian saw it, he will back me up on this.
Anyways, this week will surely be busy. I was going to bring the bus down last weekend but when we got to the Uhaul place, we found out that the wiring for the trailer lights was somehow messed up on our truck. They couldn't legally let us go without the trailer lights working properly. Lame. So, next weekend we'll see what we can do I guess.
Also, I am trying to work out a little bit. I'm finding it is a good stress reliever and just makes me feel better. It just doesn't make sense that exerting yourself actually makes you feel better after... Of course eating lots of delicious things does too.
Showed people at work this video today:
Sometimes I forget just how fucking awesome that was.
Last night in Owls Head. All of my stuff chilling in the garage. By mass probably 75% books. By value 75% airplanes.
Today Is Not Tuesday
So I went to work today and nobody was there. Then I went to lunch and came back and no one was there. Than the professor showed up, got a phone call, his sister had broken her back and he was off to Merry Old London (I dearly hope the two are connected events).
So I worked real hard today. Best part of observatory work is the boxes and boxes of free hot chocolate in the classroom. I'm just waiting for payday right now as I blew all my money on going to Michigan. Soon I will move up from the ranks of the poor to the ranks of the upper lower class. This chart should help.
I hope this helps.... |
Sunday, June 17, 2012
The first day of the rest of your life.
I have a slew of material from my time at Owls Head to talk about but to hold you over for now, here is a video of Tony looking like a moron.
BTW if each one of us posts once a day for a year we'll have like 1000 posts. Dayum.
This is the life
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Mmmm, microwavable chimichangas. Horrible to look at but fuck you my room smells awesome. |
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I took that shit. I literally pointed a telescope at that and took a picture. Shit yeah. |
Hello? Is this thing ON?
Anyways, this weekend Ian and I made it to the Owl's Head Transportation Museum to satisfy our need for rotary engines and other loud noises. There were interesting vehicles including a Stanley Steamer mountain wagon, essentially a really sweet steam car with four rows of seats. There it is now!
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Is the prop supposed to do that?! |